Posted by on May 14, 2015 in Secret Weapons | 0 comments

Who wouldn’t love something called a toasted bread niblet? (I don’t know what else to call them, so TBN it is.) Next time you find yourself with a few minutes to kill and a nub of a baguette that is too hard to use for anything else, make a panful of TBN: Put a piece of stale bread in a sturdy plastic bag. Whack it with a meat mallet or small saucepan/skillet until it looks like Grape Nuts on steroids. Heat a TINY amount of olive oil in a pan large enough to hold the bread niblets in a single layer and stir them over medium heat until golden. They will last a few days at room temperature and are delicious on soups, like split pea, or sprinkled over pasta dishes, especially really simple ones like spaghetti with oil, garlic and parsley. (Need a TBN-friendly recipe? Prod me with an email and I will furnish one that is open to scores of variations.)